Top 10 beaches in Colombia

The top ten beaches in Colombia, a country with a privileged coastline, where both Caribbean beaches of turquoise waters and white sands are hidden, as well as unknown corners bathed by the great waves of the Pacific Ocean.

1-Archipelago of San Bernardo (Bolívar):

Las 10 Mejores Playas de Colombia

Paradise Archipelago in the Caribbean Sea, located two hours of navigation from Cartagena de Indias, home to ten dream Islands that are part of the national Natural Chorales of Rosario, a reserve of marine ecosystems with extensive coralline areas and Lush mangrove forests.

Among its ten islands: Boqueron, Palma, Panda, Mangle, Ceycén, Tintipán, Maravilla, Múcura and the artificial islet of Santa Cruz, idyllic beaches of white sands and turquoise waters, many of them with beach-side restaurants and options of Lodging. It is worth highlighting in the archipelago a visit to the beaches of Tintipán, with privileged areas where to make snorkeling between coral reefs.

2-archipelago islands of the Rosary (Bolívar):

Las 10 Mejores Playas de Colombia

Set of 27 islands in the Caribbean Sea, accessible after about an hour and a half of sailing from Cartagena de Indias. Its territory, like the San Bernardo archipelago, is part of the national Natural Chorales of the Rosary, sharing its magnificent marine scenarios immersed in mangrove forests.

Most of the tourist services are concentrated in "Isla Grande", the largest of the archipelago, with idyllic beaches of white sands and warm waters, along with numbers of diving points for snorkeling and scuba diving.

3-Peninsula of Barú (Bolívar):

Las 10 Mejores Playas de Colombia

Peninsula that finishes complementing the paradisiacal scenarios that are hidden in the vicinity of Cartagena de Indias (30 minutes of navigation), City recognized for hosting in its surroundings many of the best beaches of Colombia.

The most famous beach of Barú, corresponds to Playa Blanca, a very crowded beach, that although it may not be of the taste of those who seek calmer beaches, it is of undeniable scenic beauty, with calm turquoise waters and white sands, surrounded by coconut trees and Mangroves.

4-San Andrés Island (San Andrés and Providencia):

Las 10 Mejores Playas de Colombia

Declared a biosphere reserve by UNESCO, the island of San Andrés is immersed in landscapes of mangroves, palm trees, coralline barriers and seagrass meadows, being famous for its dreamlike beaches with white sands and waters that vary its tonalities between Intense blue, celestial, turquoise and green, giving rise to his nickname of "Sea of the Seven Colors".

Among its most famous beaches correspond to Bahía Sardina, an urban beach where most of the tourist services are concentrated, San Luis a beach a little farther and quieter and the Paradise Johnny Cay, a small cay, where possibly Find one of the most beautiful beaches in the Caribbean, with a lush forest of coconut trees surrounding its white sands and an underwater mantle of diversity where snorkeling.

5-Beaches Tayrona National Natural Park (Magdalena):

Las 10 Mejores Playas de Colombia

National Park located in the vicinity of Santa Marta, a reserve of spectacular landscapes, ranging from the heights of the Sierra Nevada to marine areas in the Atlantic Ocean, where some of the most paradisiacal beaches of Colombia are spread.

Worth highlighting among its 34 beaches, beach pool with coral reefs, huge rocks and jungle to the foot of the sand and Crystal Beach, with crystal clear waters that allow you to appreciate corals and fish without any special equipment. The other beaches suitable for bathing correspond to: Neguanje, Gayraca, Bahía Concha and Cabo San Juan, the rest of its beaches, although they are beautiful, are extremely dangerous by their underwater currents.

6- Taganga (Magdalena):

Las 10 Mejores Playas de Colombia

Picturesque fishing village located a short distance from Santa Marta, a town that stands out for the beauty of its landscapes, between mountains upholstered in green and beautiful beaches bathed by the Caribbean Sea.

Its most famous beach is Playa Grande, accessible by boat from the village, a place to immerse yourself in crystalline waters ideal for scuba diving, with marine scenarios recognized for its extensive coral reefs and extraordinary marine biodiversity.

7- Cabo de La Vela (La Guajira):

Las 10 Mejores Playas de Colombia

Another of the beaches of Colombia bathed by the Caribbean Sea, a coastal border that extends along the peninsula of La Guajira, site of exotic desert scenarios that contrast with the intense blue of the sea.

Cabo de La Vela, is inhabited for the most part by the Wayúu indigenous people, who manage the majority of the tourist services, through an interesting proposal of rural tourism, that covers from a series of lodgings and restaurants in typical huts Front of the sea, to various tours in the surroundings.

8- Bahía Solano (Chocó):

Las 10 Mejores Playas de Colombia

Also known as "the park of the Whales", a beach of Colombia on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, where impressive scenery of hills, tropical forests, waterfalls on the seashore, beautiful beaches and a considerable biodiversity, among which Humpback whales are found, which can be appreciated between July and October.

In its surroundings you can also visit the reddish beach of Punta Huina, ideal for snorkeling, and the Natural National Park Utría, with a wide variety of marine and jungle ecosystems, considering one of the most biodiverse national parks in the World.

9- Nuquí (Chocó):

Las 10 Mejores Playas de Colombia

One of the best beaches in Colombia hidden in the department of Chocó, on the shores of the Pacific Ocean. A town with golden sand beaches surrounded by lush tropical vegetation, with waves ideal for surfing and diving points for the dive and snorkeling.

As in Bahía Solano, it is noticeable between July and October, the huge humpback whales that migrate in this season to more tropical areas to have their offspring, along with other species of sea turtles, fish and birdlife.

10- Capurganá (Chocó):

Las 10 Mejores Playas de Colombia

Small town located near the border of Panama, a site of Paradise sceneries, where cliffs, coral bays and crystalline waters mingle, between the Caribbean Sea and the Darién jungle.

Among its jewels of landscapes stand out the pool of the gods, natural pool formed between rocks where to make snorkeling, the waterfall of the sky with its water falls between the forest, the Plamparejo beach where to swim between areas of corals and the nearby Bay of Sapzurro, with similar dream scenarios.
